This card was created by our latest artist-in-residency – Arnaud Cremet, a talented French painter and illustrator. This is a computer graphics work of art composed of photographs that Arnaud had taken in Polenov’s studio – of the instruments of the artist, of the snow outdoors. All together he assembled almost 250 objects in Photoshop! We are very greatful to him for such a wonderful present!
- 18/09/21
- General assembly of the Association 25/01/21
- POLENOVO branch to be opened in Moscow 14/01/21
- Natalya Gramolina left us 19/10/20
- French picnic at POLENOVO 13/07/20
- Museum closed: Covid19 16/03/20
- Bonne année 2020! 31/12/19
- Synko-Filipko – second book by Elena Polenova 27/11/19
- Présentation du recueil ‘La culture en périphéries’ 02/11/19
- Conférences aux ‘Editeurs réunis’ 20/10/19
- Выставка ‘Поленов’ в ГТГ в Москве 17/10/19
- Трехтомник ‘Мир Василия Поленова’ в издательстве СЛОВО 04/10/19
- Colloque à BULAC 01/10/19
- Exposition à Paris : Vassily Polenov et sa famille 20/09/19
- Century of Music in POLENOVO 01/08/19
- Fête de la Musique à POLENOVO 21/06/19
- Conférence de T.Mojenok au Quai Branly 05/06/19
- Vassily Polenov’s 175th anniversary 01/06/19
- Association address change 24/05/19
- Assemblée Générale 2019 16/01/19
- Inauguration of a commemorative plaque at Montmartre in Paris 10/10/18
- В ПОЛЕНОВО завершился итальянский фестиваль 20/07/18
- Stage en France pour les gagnants du concours Mosaïque culturelle 15/06/18
- POLENOVO at EMYA 2018 12/05/18
- Культурная мозаика во Франции 30/03/18
- Conférence de Tatiana Mojenok à Bougival 27/03/18
- Conférence de Natalya Polenova à Siences Po à Paris 20/03/18
- Презентация сборника поэзии в ИМКА-Пресс 19/03/18
- Кублановский на Книжном салоне в Париже 18/03/18
- Выход сборника ‘Сумерки импрессиониста’ 01/03/18
- Мемориальной доске на Монмартре быть! 20/02/18
- Премьера Ambulation/Déambulation в Париже 16/02/18
- Лекция Н.Ф.Поленовой в Аррасе (Франция) 01/02/18
- POLENOVO is nominee for the European museum of the year award 2018 10/12/17
- Юбилей Ассоциации – нам 10 лет! 30/11/17
- В ПОЛЕНОВО открылась выставка «37/101. Пролог» 18/10/17
- Conférence de Tatiana Mojenok-Ninin à Varengeville-sur-mer (Normandie) 01/10/17
- Завершился летний фестиваль искусств 01/08/17
- Музей ПОЛЕНОВО награжден премией имени Юрия Пищулина 29/05/17
- Презентация новой книги на салоне Livre Paris 26/03/17
- Презентация ‘Евангельского круга’ в Еврейском культурном центре 13/02/17
- Very happy New Year! 23/12/16
- Sofia Israel is POLENOVO’s new winter resident 03/12/16
- Выставка Арно Креме в Городе мастеров 29/10/16
- Succes of the Francophonia Week 28/06/16
- Пресс-конференция в ПОЛЕНОВО 14/06/16
- Салон русской книги в Париже 08/02/16
- Презентации ‘Евангельского круга’ в Великобритании 02/12/15
- Режиссерский кампус в Поленово 24/10/15
- Стажировка в Музее ПОЛЕНОВО 19/09/15
- A painting of Polenov found 22/08/15
- Открытие Сквера Василия Поленова 12/07/15
- Speeches by Polenov’s old gate in Veules-les-Roses on 9th of July 2005 25/03/15
- Обновленный виртуальный тур «Поленово 360» 05/02/15
- New resident in Polenovo – Professor of Rouen University 30/01/15
- Second part of the scientific conference at the Courtauld Institute of Art (London, Great Britain) 11/01/15
- Presentation of our new book at Pushkin House (London, Great Britain) 09/01/15
- Scientific conference ART, CRAFT & THE FIN-DE-SIECLE: BRITAIN AND RUSSIA in the Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre (UK) 06/12/14
- A series of presentations of the book ‘Vassily Polenov: Knight of the Beauty’ took place in France 05/12/14
- Opening of the Elena Polenova exhibition in the Watts Gallery (Great Britain) 18/11/14
- A new book of Russian folk tales with illustrations by Elena Polenova 15/11/14
- Opening of Polenovo Children’s Art Center (Strakhovo, Russia) 26/09/14
- Exhibition of posters in Veules-les-Roses (France) 29/07/14
- Natalia Polenova reported at the International Peter’s Congress (Saint Petersburg) 18/06/14
- Presentation of the book ‘Knight of the Beauty’ in Havre (France) 12/06/14
- Book presentation and celebration at the library of foreign literature in Moscow 30/05/14
- ‘Polenovo’ in the new bleu-book series ‘Let’s go!’ 26/05/14
- Presentation of ‘Rally in the country 18/05/14
- Presentation of the game blue-guide «Rally in the country» 15/05/14
- Shooting of the television documentary ‘Evangelical circle’ started in Israel 16/04/14
- Presentation of Tatiana Mozhenok’s book ‘Vassily Polenov, Knight Of the Beauty’ in the ‘Globe’ book store in Paris 11/04/14
- Presentation of the book ‘Vassily Polenov, Knight Of the Beauty’ at the Paris Book Fair 12/03/14
- Party for the friends of the Association in the book store ‘Les Editeurs Réunis’ (Paris) 03/03/14
- Christmas from Polenovo in Pushkin House (London, Great Britain) 06/12/13
- Opening of the exhibition ‘Polenovo+’ on December 12, at ‘Fabrica’ 01/12/13
- The first monograph about Vassily Polenov in the French language 15/11/13
- British Council representative talks on TV channel ‘Russia 24’ about collaboration with Polenovo 11/06/13
- Souvenir CD ‘POLENOVO 360’ 31/05/13
- Launch of 19/04/13
- ‘Polenovo’ and Watts Gallery have signed a cooperation agreement 25/03/13