On May 29th, in the Oval Hall of the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature named after M. I. Rudomino, there took place the presentation of the book “Vassily Polenov: Knight of the Beauty” by Tatiana Mozhenok. The festive evening was dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov and the celebration gathered many eminent cultural workers, as well as simply the fans of the museum and the friends of the Vassily Polenov Association. There were present the General Director of the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino Ekaterina Genieva, Director of the State Memorial, Historic, Artistic and Natural Museum and Reserve Natalia Polenova, founder of the Publishing House “Point de vues” Stephane Rioland, President of the Vassily Polenov Association Oxana Bobrovich, poet Yuri Kublanovsky, writer Elisabeth Barille and many others.
You will find more information about the unique French language monograph on the life and art of the great Russian artist here.