Article 1 ● General conditions and designation
The adherents to the present statutes found an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, having for title: Association Vassily Polenov. This association acts on the French territory.
Article 2 ● Purpose and purpose of the association
This association, a non-profit organization, aims to support Russian artistic and cultural projects in France, especially projects related to the work of Vassily Polenov and his contemporaries. The sphere of interests and competences of the Association includes: the reception and the accompaniment of Russian students in Europe as part of their studies; welcoming artists, musicians, museum workers and actors in the world of art; organization of exhibitions and their opening; organization of creative seminars, workshops and conferences; organization of charity auctions; restitution of the works of Vassily Polenov and his contemporaries to Russia; any project aimed at preserving and maintaining the Russian artistic and cultural heritage in France.
Article 3 ● Headquarters
The registered office is at the following address: 9, rue Clapeyron, 75008 Paris, France. It can be modified by decision of the board of directors, with compulsory ratification by the general assembly of the association.
Article 4 ● Composition
The association consists of:
- Honorary members
- Benefactor members
- Active or adherent members
Article 5 ● Admission to the members of the Association
The admission of a new member of the Association is made by the board of directors of the association on the basis of an application. The application is examined at the meeting of the board of directors closest to the date of the application.
Article 6 ● Accession
Honorary members are physical or legal persons who have provided services to the Association – they do not pay dues.
Donor members are physical or legal persons who have paid an entry fee of 20 euros and pay an annual subscription, the amount of which is determined at the general meeting of the association.
Active members are physical or legal persons who have committed to pay 50 euros per year to the funds of the Association.
Article 7 ● Exit and radiation
Membership in the Association can be lost for several reasons:
- Resignation – leave the Association by submitting a written justification
- Death of the member
- the systematic non-observance of the obligations, the violation of the obligations assumed by the Association, the obstruction of the actions or the non participation in the normal activities of the Association. The cancellation pronounced by the board of directors for non-payment of the subscription or for serious reason, the interested person having been invited (by registered letter) to provide explanations in front of the office and / or in written format.
Article 8 ● Ownership and financing
The sources of formation of the property of the Association in monetary and other forms are:
- entry and membership fees for members of the Association; regular and unique income of the members;
- voluntary contributions and donations; State subsidies from the Russian government, regions and municipalities;
- bank loans;
- charitable contributions, donations from Russian and foreign organizations, companies and citizens;
- other sources of income within the framework stipulated by law.
Article 9 ● The board of directors of the association
The board of directors of the association is a permanent collegial management body of the association. The board of directors is composed of 2 members elected for 2 years by the general assembly of the association.
Possible re-election of board members.
By secret ballot, the council chooses among its members:
- chairman of the board (chair);
- one or more vice-presidents;
- treasurer.
The board renews half of its members every two years. In the first year, outgoing members are determined by a draw.
During the vacation period, the board of directors may temporarily replace its members. The final replacement of the members is carried out at the nearest meeting after the replacement.
The term of office of the alternate members of the council elected in this manner shall expire within the time limits determined by the terms of the members of the governing board.
Article 10 ● Council meetings
Board meetings are held at least once a year, or at the request of at least a quarter of the board’s composition.
Board decisions are made by a simple majority of the votes of members attending the meeting. Each member of the Executive Board has one vote. In the event of a tie, the presidential vote is decisive.
Any member of the board who does not attend three consecutive meetings without valid reason is excluded from the board.
Article 11 ● Ordinary General Meeting
The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly, to which all members of the Association participate, regardless of their status.
The general assembly of the members of the Association is convened each year, in December.
The date and place of the general meeting of the members of the association and its agenda are announced by the management committee by sending a written message (registered letter, telex, fax, e‑mail) to all members of the association no later than 11 days before the date of the meeting.
The president of the general assembly of the members of the association is the president of the board of directors of the association, which represents the report on the work of the association.
The treasurer submits the annual report and the annual report of the financial activities of the association for the approval of the general assembly.
When the agenda is over, new board members are elected by secret ballot.
At the general meeting, only approved agenda items are taken into account.
Article 12 ● Extraordinary General Assembly
The extraordinary general meetings of the members of the association are convened by the president at the initiative of more than 1/2 members of the association, in accordance with the formal provisions of article 11 of this charter.
Article 13 ● Internal rules
The board of directors has the right to draw up the internal rules of the activity of the association, with compulsory ratification by the general assembly.
The possible introduction of the rules of procedure aims to define the operating rules of the Association, particularly with regard to internal management and administration.
Article 14 ● Dissolution
The liquidation of the Association is carried out by a decision of at least 2/3 of all members at the general meeting of the Association or by decision of authorized bodies, in accordance with article 9 of the law of 1 July 1901 and decree 16 August 1901, acting on the territory of France.