«The Story Of Synko-Filipko and Other Russian Folk Tales»
Publishers: Vassily Polenov Association, «Fontanka»
Year of publication: 2019
Text: English
Original language: Russian
Editor: Louise Hardiman
Translation: Netta Peacock
Illustrations: Elena Polenova
ISBN 978–1‑906–257–26–2
Russian folk tales have a timeless, slightly unworldly quality that children, and those who read to them, find particularly appealing. This is Fontanka s second book of folk tales with illustrations by the artist Elena Polenova, with stories that are possibly even more beguiling than those in Why the Bear. The same team that produced the first book is responsible for Sinko-Filipko too: the translator Dr Louise Hardiman, the granddaughter of the artist, Natalia Polenova, and the designer Christoph Stolberg. The book is designed to be a companion to the first, with the same quarter binding, and individually coloured chapters.