“In The Path Of The Russian Painters in Veules-Les-Roses”
Publishers: Vassily Polenov Association, Veules-Les-Roses town administration
Year of publication: 2015, 2019
Text: exists in three versions (English, French and Russian)
Original language: French
Authors of the text: Marie-Claire and Dominique Florence
Translation: Marilyn Eva, Natalia Leybina
Editing: Tatiana Mozhenok, Annie Labaste, Natalia Leybina
During the second half of the XIXth century, many Russian painters came to Paris to follow the teaching of French masters.
Most of them came to paint outdoors (plein air) in Veules, on advice of the painter E.Isabey and his student A.Bogolyubov.
This leaflet presents some of their works and indicates where they were painted.
In 2019, due to a great demand, there was printed an additional edition of the leaflet.